Friday, September 28, 2007

Dealing With Flooded Carpets

If your home is flooded, then odds are pretty good that your carpet is going to need to be taken up. Sewage, chemicals, and other biohazards live in the dirty flood water that took over your home during that time and most of the time, porous materials such as carpet cannot practically be saved. You can go through a lot of trouble trying to save your old carpet when the most efficient thing to do is just to throw it out.

Trying to shampoo the carpet itself may work and remove a lot of the smell and stains, but the carpet padding underneath will need to be completely taken out and replaced. Foam padding like this cannot be cleaned and will usually end up shredding if you try, so whether you choose to clean the carpet or just replace it, it will still need to come up.

Removing your carpet is not a difficult task. You must remove all furniture from the room first and depending on whether you want to save the carpet or just replace it, you can take a utility knife and cut it in areas that may be difficult to take up. You can also use it to cut the old carpet into strips if you do not want to save it. Pull the moldings on the walls around the room off and take the door off its hinges. Removing the door will help you get the old carpet out and the new carpet in. The carpet padding also needs to be removed.

Pulling the old tackless strips up and installing new ones may be a good idea and you need to leave about half an inch of space between the new strips and the wall. The tips of the tacks need to be facing toward the wall.

If the floor has had much mold or sewage damage to it, you will want to clean this up before installing new carpet or re-installing your clean old carpet. Cleaning up mold stains can be done by putting 5 tablespoons of trisodium phosphate in a single gallon of water and scrubbing the floor with something that will not scar it.

If you cannot afford new carpet or to have the old carpet cleaned, refinishing the hardwood floor that may be underneath it may be an option. If you had to take carpet out of the bathroom, laundry room, basement, or kitchen, then you will really want to avoid putting carpet back into these areas, since these rooms of the house tend to stay damp.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
South Carolina Water Damage Restoration and and other states such as
Chicago Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Clogged Toilets and Water Damage

Everyone who has had a toilet has had the misfortune of having to unclog it and clean up the mess that resulted. A toilet that is let to overflow often can be a serious source of water damage to your floor and the sad thing is that this can be avoided the majority of the time.

If you have small children that like to play around in the bathroom, then it is possibly a good idea to invest in a product called a lid lock. This will lock down the lid of the toilet so that the hand of an adult can open it easily, but a child’s hand cannot. This keep you from worrying not only if the child has put something in the toilet that does not belong there, but also stop curious toddlers from actually climbing in it. These are not expensive at all and can save you quite a bit of time and worry.

Whenever a toilet overflows, the first thing most people tend to do is try and flush it again. This is not a good idea. Allow the water to get back to its normal level before attempting to flush it again. Be sure that the rest of the members of your household know this, too.

Bale water from the clogged toilet out until you cannot remove any more. Try using a plunger to see if that dislodges the object and the water goes down. If a plunger does not work, see if you can get the object out of the toilet by putting your hand (preferably in a waterproof glove that reaches to your elbow, since the water is probably nasty) down inside it, but be careful not to get it stuck. If you cannot get it out this way, you may need a plumbing snake.

If you think the clog is gone, fill a bucket with water and pour it down into the toilet. If the water goes down as it should, then the blockage is gone.

If none of these methods worked, it may be time to call a professional. There are such things as emergency plumbers that are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but getting one of these in your local area may be a bit difficult. If the problem is a blocked city sewer, then you need to call the water company, since it will be their responsibility to remove the blockage.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information. and

Your Wet Front and Backyard

One of the biggest eyesores for neighbors to have to look at tends to be standing water in the front yard. Water collecting in the backyard may not be that big of an issue, but it can still be a problem when it reduces the value of the property in more ways than one. If the water collects around the foundation of the house, then this can put the structure of the home in jeopardy, since water in these spots long term can cause the home itself to sink down into the ground. Repairing that problem can be quite expensive, so taking the steps necessary to make sure that water does not collect around the house is very important.

The problem of standing water in your yard can usually be solved very easily by filling in the depressions on the property with soil. This should not take a lot of work, but the result will be worth it in the end. You can have the dirt delivered by someone else or if you have a truck, you can go retrieve it yourself to save even more money. Having a wheel barrow handy and some shovels can also help with this project. If you do not have a wheel barrow, some buckets will get the job done eventually. Walk on the soil until it appears to be even with the rest of the yard and plant grass over it. To keep it from looking out of place, you might want to take this opportunity to reseed your yard with new grass.

You can also put a drainage system in your yard to drain one area of its excess water. This does not have to be used for a large puddle of standing water, but can also be used to direct ground water away from the property. If there is an area that you want to keep drained, however, you can do this by digging a ditch, installing some gravel, and a length of PVC pipe. Make sure that your ditch slants downhill and that it does so enough that the flow of water is efficient. Gravel will be put down before the PVC pipe to help with the draining of ground water, which cannot typically be collected by the pipe itself. The PVC pipe will be completely surrounded by gravel and soil replaced on top of it. Taking the opportunity to reseed your yard with new grass could be a good idea now, as well, since you do not want a huge visible line of new grass running through it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

What to Know When Hiring Your Contractor

The most important decision that you will make when you build your new home is which contractor you will choose for the job. A lot of people like to use the phone book for this job, but going a little deeper than that and putting a little more effort into choosing your contractor will end up saving you a lot of headaches and money.

Using the phone book to find the contractor you want is not entirely a bad idea. For someone moving to a new area, it is often one of the most feasible options. Having the ability to ask friends or neighbors about a good contractor is usually not available when you move to a new area, so you need to take some precautions when looking in the phone book for a contractor. Get at least three bids from three different contractors to build your property. Make sure they all get the same blueprints and look at the offers in comparison to each other. If one offer is significantly lower than the other two, this is usually a sign of desperation for work (not always a bad thing) and inexperience. Do a little research on the contractor that bid the lowest price and check up on his references. Giving someone who is well experienced and desperate for work is always a good idea, as long as you are sure that they are a good fit for you. Make sure you can live with this contractor being in your life for a few weeks or months. You need to have a good relationship.

As far as the contract that you will have, you should almost always go with a fixed price contract. This means that if there are unexpected costs that come up, the contractor will take care of them, not you. Building materials may change in price or the price of labor may go up and if you sign a time and materials contract, you will be responsible for making up for these new costs.

When writing up the contract, be specific. The date the project will begin and approximate date that it should be done needs to be in the contract. Make up a list of materials that you want to be used in the home. If you want 12 inch by 12 inch travertine tile, specify this. As with any important financial decision in your life, the devil is in the details.

Give your contractor an incentive to get the job done right and done early by offering a bonus if he does so. On the same token, do not be afraid to threaten a penalty if the project is done badly or finished late. All contractors should give you a warranty on their work that should be for at least 10 years.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Basement Mold Problems

It is a well known fact that old basements and mold damage go together like peanut butter and jelly. However, to new home owners it may not be as well known just how these damages are caused. And it may be even lesser well known how to combat the damage. Now, water damage, musty smells, and interior wall damage may be very obvious problems, but not all of the problems are as apparent. But they can indeed be removed.

Now, it is a very popular thing to employ your basement as a laundry room and it is usually a very efficient place to do this. However, you could be making your clothing a target for one of the biggest causes of home water damage: mold. Wet clothing is a veritable breeding ground for mold. If you throw in a basement, which is usually the most humid area you can find in a house, then the results could be disastrous. The reason is that mold likes to grow in places that are wet and humid. And if your basement does not have a good vent system, then humidity will build up from the machines running. This means that if the clothes are unattended for a certain period of time, you may find yourself buying some new clothes soon.

Now, while it can be difficult to prevent mold, it is not impossible. One way that you can prevent this from happening is to keep from blocking vents. This will allow for a better air flow and, as a result, the humidity will drop and keep your clothing safer. You should also make sure that any hot air with nowhere to go must be dealt with immediately. This heat has the potential to cause damage to any wood in the basement, and the damaged wood could create crevices for condensation to build up from humidity. This condensation and heat is almost guaranteed to start a mold colony. Installing an exhaust vent can be very beneficial to the remediation of this problem. It is also important that you keep doors that lead outside of your home closed as often as possible. This will help prevent more moisture from entering your house, and, therefore your basement. You can also invest in a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier and a good ventilation system should be a major help in keeping your basement mold free.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors.

Water Underneath Your Home

Unless your have a basement, not many people care much for venturing into that little door that leads underneath your home. The crawl space under there can vary from house to house. If you have ever had the pleasure of going in there, then you know how spooky it can be. It is usually very dark with lots of long ago vacated cobwebs and possibly some more recent occupied ones. It is also a great place for snakes to creep into, as well as mice and small animals.

You might not ever want to go under there, but an occasional look around into the dark depths with a flashlight might be a good thing. Not knowing what is going on under there can result in some bad consequences if left undetected.

If you happen to have central heating and air ductwork running underneath your home, any of the places it may have came loose can cause you to lose heating and cooling efficiency, in turn causing more strain on your unit and your wallet. Brackets holding the duct work off the ground could work loose or rust. It probably won’t happen, but you never know.

A more serious problem can occur if water leakage happens. This can be really bad if it is occurring around the foundation of your home. Over time, it can cause foundation failure. When this happens, the walls inside your home can become affected as well. If you find water under the house it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Water damage in any form is never good.

Leaking pipes can cause water to puddle in spots under the house also. It does not sound too bad unless the leak happens to be wetting the floor joist. Eventually, it will cause rotting and molding to occur. This can lead to floor damage that can be costly and not easy to repair.

Outside water spigots are another thing you do not worry about until you start to use it and have problems. Usually the handle will start to slip and will not shut off completely. This is very easy to notice, but leaks can also develop in the piping behind the foundation walls where you can not see.

So, if you do go under your house just to have a look around, keep these few things in mind to check out while you are there. A little prevention really can go a long way towards saving time and money later on.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Water Damage, Mold, and Mildew

One of the worst mistakes that a homeowner can make is ignoring the possibility of water damage to their home. While it may not seem like the steam in your bathroom from your showers or baths can do a lot of damage to the room, over time it can discolor the ceiling and eventually cause the drywall to sag down and possibly even collapse. You can imagine what kind of damage to the value of your home this can do and if you have purchased a home with water damage to the floors or ceiling, you know how much of a headache it can be to remodel it.

The answer to the steam problem is to install a simple exhaust vent in the ceiling over the tub or shower. This allows the steam to escape outside the room and the house and stops it from being absorbed by your ceiling drywall. You can often paint over the discoloration of the drywall after it has been damaged, but if the slab is sagging or cracked in the middle, it needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The last thing you want is for a loved one to be in the bath and the ceiling collapse on them.

Mold is also a threat to this and other moist rooms in the house. Mildew also tends to build up on tile and stone. Mildew and mold are close to the same thing, since they are both fungi, but mold tends to grow on more porous surfaces.

We have all heard horror stories of the bath tub or the toilet falling through the floor and unfortunately, most of the time this is due to the floor boards rotting. Too much water has soaked the floor over the years and has caused the boards to become flimsy. You can prevent this by making sure the floor of your bathroom is a hard, non-porous surface such as tile. The floor should be completely water tight and you may want to even install a drain on the bathroom floor, just to make sure the water goes where it is supposed to.

Even if you have a watertight floor, keeping the bathroom as dry as possible is a good idea. Always dry off the floor and other surfaces in the room after you get done with your shower. This helps lower the humidity in the room and ensures that the person who comes in the room after you does not slip and fall.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Orlando water damage restoration companies and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Venting Is a Good Thing to prevent mold

If you do not have a ceiling exhaust fan installed in your bathrooms, it will not be long before you realize why you need one. There are so many reasons that they are a necessary item. Have you ever tried to blow dry your hair in a steamy bathroom? If you could see yourself in the mirror it might help, but with all that moisture in the air it’s not likely. Then there are also those unspeakable bathroom odors that almost anyone would rather not speak of, but they go along with the natural procession of things and the exhaust fan is a marvelous invention, if only to dispel an unpleasantness that remains even after its last occupant is gone!

A bad hair-do will be the least of your worries if the moisture problem is not corrected. A consistently steamy bathroom can result in shrinking the edges of wallpaper and peeling paint. These minor complications are bad enough in themselves, but with prolonged exposure, it can actually cause wooden window frames to swell, preventing them from opening easily, or not at all. Other wood, such as door frames, crown molding, and baseboards can swell and be damaged also, and then there is the scary mold that can grow on the ceiling and walls. It can be much cheaper in the long run to install exhaust fans rather than wait around for more costly repairs to show up later. Rest assured, any unresolved water problems in a home will not result in any thing good.

The exhaust fan is something that is rarely overlooked in newer homes, but not so in older ones. If you are a do it yourselfer, this could be a project you can handle. However, it does involve some electrical wiring, cutting holes through your ceiling and possibly through your outer wall in the attic. Home improvement stores have them with or without lights. If there is any existing light fixture in the ceiling of your bathroom, it is an advantage. If not, it will be a little more involved. In any case, if you are not familiar with electrical wiring and reciprocating saws, then hiring someone to install it for you might be the easiest and safest option. Saving money doing it yourself is great if your work is done properly. Just remember it is only home improvement if you are fixing old problems and not creating new ones!

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

House Renovating Woes

Buying a new house can be a headache all by itself, but if you are wanting to purchase a fixer upper, then you have a lot more on your plate than most people do. House flipping is a popular way to make some quick money, but it is not usually as easy as television shows and magazines make it out to be. It is not only difficult because of the construction costs, but also because of the physical and emotional strength you have to have to get through the process. Carrying the loan or loans that you may have to get to be able to afford the property is something else. If you are unmarried and already have an apartment or mortgage to pay for, then carrying another mortgage until the home is fixed up and finally sold can be a little scary.

One thing that you need to be careful about if you are planning on renovating on a budget is taking on tasks that you have no experience in. You may be able to paint the interior on your own, but cutting your new granite countertops may be something you want to leave to the professionals. This can be very complicated and can most of the time only be done once. Mess up the granite slab and you will have to buy another to replace it and this can punch a huge hole in your budget. When in doubt, leave something to the professionals and do not cut corners by taking on projects you are not sure that you can do to professional quality.

Always check for water and mold damage to the property before signing any papers. You want to know just what you are getting yourself into and these two problems cropping up in the middle of your renovation can sink you further into debt than you intended to go. Repairing these problems can sometimes cost thousands of dollars and most of the time, mold cannot be gotten rid of without removing all of the building materials affected by it. It can be scrubbed off of drywall sometimes, but if the growth is heavy on the surface, you should throw it away instead. Cleaners cannot get into the porous drywall far enough to completely kill it and it will return.

The most moist areas of the home are often the most likely to be structurally damaged and there have been many stories of toilets and bath tubs falling through the floor due to rotted supports. This is usually because the floor has been soaked with water on a regular basis for a long time and unfortunately, this can be a real pain. If you are remodeling the floor with new tile, you may want to go ahead and check for this kind of damage underneath it, just to be sure you do not have to go back and do all this again.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Texas Water Damage Restoration companies and
Dallas Residential Water Damage Restoration Contractors